Nu am indraznit niciodata sa fac cozonaci ori checuri, asa ca de pe blogul Caietul cu retete de unde am si aflat de aceasta reteta si am strans din dinti si am zis ce-o fi o fi il voi incerca. Rezultatul e unul mai brunetel din cauza ca am plouat prea multa scortisoara, desi data viitoare sper sa imi iasa mai bine.
Ingrediente (ptr un colac mare)
600 gr faina
2 galbenusuri
250 ml lapte
2 linguri miere
60 gr unt
30 gr drojdie
1/2 lingurita sare
pentru umplutura:
100 gr unt
4 linguri zahar brun
4 lingurite scortisoara
Mod de preparare
Punem faina impreuna cu sarea intr-un vas. Adaugam galbenusurile si untul topit.
Dizolvam drojdia si mierea in laptele caldut si lasam pana incepe sa faca bule apoi punem peste faina. Framantam pana aluatul devine omogen.Va rezulta un aluat destul de tare si dificil de framantat.
Lasam la dopsit pana isi dubleaza volumul. ntindem o foaie de aluat. Untul la temperatura camerei il amestecam cu zaharul brun si scortisoara . Pastram 2-3 linguri ca s aungem colacul deasupra si restul il intindem pe foaia de aluat in strat subtire cu ajutorul unei pensule. Nu puneti umplutura in exces pentru ca va curge la copt.
Rulati strans ca pe o rulada.Va recomand sa taiati capetele pentru un aspect cat mai placut. Taiati ruloul obtinut in doua, pe lung, lasand 2-3 cm netaiati la unul din capete. Impletim cele doua fasii de aluat obtinute. Si apoi unum capetele ca sa obtinem un colac. Ungem toata suprafata cu umplutura pastrata.
Dam la cuptor la foc mediu aproximativ 30 minute.
Pofta Buna!
300 g flour (2 cups)
1/2 tsp salt
120 ml lukewarm milk (1/2 cup)
15 g fresh yeast (0,6 OZ fresh yeast or 1 envelope active dry yeast)
30 g melted butter (1/8 cup)
1 egg yolk
1 tbsp sugar
50 g softened butter (1/4 cup)
4-5 tbsp sugar
3 tsp cinnamon
Mix the yeast and sugar with the lukewarm milk and let it sit a few minutes while the yeast bubbles and foams up.
Add the egg yolk, the melted butter, the flour and the salt, then knead the dough and shape into a ball.
Place the dough in a large, greased bowl, then cover and place in a warm space and let rise until doubled in size (about 1 hour).
Preheat oven to 200°C (about 400 degrees Fahrenheit). Dust your work surface with flour, and roll the dough out to a thickness of 1cm.
Spread the melted butter across all of the dough, then sprinkle the cinnamon and sugar mixture.
Roll up the dough, and using a knife, cut the log in half length-wise.
Twist the two halves together, keeping the open layers exposed as described in the photo tutorial. Give a round shape, then transfer to a baking tray (buttered or covered with cookie sheet).
Top the remaining butter and sprinkle some sugar and cinnamon mixture. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, until the top is golden brown.
Reduce the oven temperature to 180°C (350 degrees Fahrenheit) after 5-10 minutes to stop it burning. Top with icing sugar mixed with water if you want, just sprinkle some sugar, or eat it like this, because it’s delicious, i’m telling you ! :)